I know of some PrEP providers not in the Locator database, can I add them?
Yes! Please click here to fill out an online form on NPIN’s website. Your submission will be reviewed, and the provider or clinic will be contacted to seek their approval to be included in the PrEP Locator
I’m a health care professional, can I add my clinic to the Locator database?
Yes! Fill out this online form on NPIN’s website. Standard NPIN procedures will be followed to add your clinic to their NPIN database.
What is the “PrEP for uninsured” search button?
This narrows the search to only include providers that offer PrEP to patients who are uninsured. This categorization is for PrEP providers that offer services on an income-based sliding scale or at greatly reduced cost.
What is the “PrEP access assistance” search button?
This narrows the search to only include providers that offer PrEP Navigation services, which include having a staff member that works with patients to review insurance, identify coverage/deductible gaps, and assist with enrollment in appropriate programs such as co-payment coverage.
How does the PrEP Locator widget work?
The PrEP Locator uses a map locator to show data regarding your location and providers nearest to you. When you type in an address or zip code, the map will populate with the pins of the providers or clinics in that area that prescribe PrEP. There is the option to further narrow down the search by checking the box to select providers who prescribe PrEP for patients without insurance, or checking the box to select clinics that have a PrEP navigator (someone who can help patients find ways to access PrEP) on staff.
Does the Locator widget work on mobile and desktop devices?
Yes, the widget is compatible on desktop (map and list views) and mobile (list view only) devices.
I found incorrect information for a provider/clinic in the Locator database. Can I fix it?
Yes! Please go to preplocator.org and search for the address of the provider. Click on the provider name or pin, and then click on the link “Notify Us of Information Update.” Fill out this form, and once the information submitted is verified, the edit will be made. You can also send an email to NPIN-info@cdc.gov to submit any changes.
Why are only clinics listed, and not my preferred provider at a clinic?
The Locator uses map-based location information to help patients find providers. If we listed each provider at a facility, it would be confusing and difficult to maintain the database, so it is necessary to have a single facility listed per geographic site.
How did you find providers for the Locator database?
The database includes available data from all 50 states, as well as US territories. For more information, click here and here.
How do providers remove their clinics from the Locator database?
Providers can visit preplocator.org and search for the address of their clinic. Click on the clinic link, and click on the link “Notify Us of Information Update.” Update your organization form, and once the information submitted is verified, the edit will be made.