Welcome to PrEP Locator, a national directory of providers of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in the US. PrEP Locator seeks to provide patients access to a national, integrated service including both public and private practice providers.
The PrEP Locator, created by Dr. Aaron Siegler at Emory University, is now powered by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) service provider database. NPIN has a national database of organizations and facilities that provide HIV/STD/TB/hepatitis testing, prevention, capacity building, treatment, care, and support services. NPIN and Emory have integrated data to provide a comprehensive, national directory of public and private PrEP providers in the United States. The integrated database―maintained and enhanced by NPIN―is displayed to the public on this site, NPIN, and a number of affiliated platforms.
Who we are
PrEP Locator was developed in 2016 by Dr. Aaron Siegler at Emory University in partnership with M•A•C AIDS Fund. The project was coordinated by Ms. Susan Schlueter Wirtz, and guided by a coalition of partners with expertise in the field of HIV prevention: PleasePrEPMe.org, Greater Than AIDS represented by the Kaiser Family Foundation, National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD).
The External Advisory Committee included Dr. Dawn Smith from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC); Dr. Carlos del Rio from the Emory University Department of Global Health; Dan Wohlfeiler, Director of Building Healthy Online Communities; Miguel Gomez from AIDS.gov; Melissa Beaupierre from Grady Hospital; Damon Jacobs, founder of PrEP Facts; and Joshua Robbins, an HIV advocate and blogger.
More information on the development of PrEP Locator can be found here